Keep Durham Beautiful
We are driven and motivated by the dream that all residents feel a sense of belonging in Durham and a desire to be stewards of its environment. While it is daunting to try to solve the issues challenging our environment alone, we are here to make it easier. An affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, Keep Durham Beautiful is a nonprofit working in partnership with the City of Durham's General Services Department and Durham County to help residents take action through volunteer opportunities, tool lending, educational programs, resource coordination, and more. All of these activities center around our three focus areas.
Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Opportunities include:
- Litter Prevention
- Recycling & Waste Reduction
- Beautification & Community Greening
- Fundraising
- Grant Writing
- Data Management
- Graphic Design
- Web Design
- Marketing and Outreach
- Event Support
- English to Spanish Translation
Volunteers must be 12-16 years old depending on danger level; if the kid is under 5 years old, the parent ratio must be at least one adult per two kids.